Bing wallpapers on Linux (python version)

Earlier I made a post with the script which pulls wallpapers from Bing. Here I show my Python script, which is doing the same:

  • Saves new image from the Bing server.
  • Adds watermark with the copyright information to it.
  • Sets this image the lock screen tool and/or as a desktop wallpaper.

Script logic

  1. To store wallpapers I use ~/wallpapers/bing/ folder.
  2. In order to detect if image on the Bing server is the new one, I do the following:
    • I save copyright information of the last saved (and currently used) image in the ~/wallpapers/bing/bing_wallpaper_copyright.txt file.
    • On each request to Bing I compare copyright information of the image on server with the one in the file.
    • If copyright is the same - then I don’t update image.
    • If copyright differs - then I download the image.
    • Every image with the copyright watermark I save in the ~/wallpapers/bing/ folder.
      • This is not necessary to do. If you want - you can omit this step.

        Image with copyright watermark

  3. Then I use downloaded image as:
    • As a background picture for the [slick-greeter] for LightDM.
      • Because slick-greeter has panel on top, I use image without copyright watermark for it.
      • For that I am saving it under the /mnt/data/greeter-wallpapers/bing_image.jpg name.
      • This image is always overwritten with the latest downloaded one. I do not save images without copyright watermark.
    • Lock screen picture for betterlockscreen.
      • Picture with the watermark copyright on it.
    • Lock screen picture for slock-bgimage:
      • I take picture with the copyright watermark on it as a source and I add small locker icon to its corner. Source

        Lock icon for watermark

      • Then I save this image under ~/wallpapers/bing/current_lock_image.jpg name.

        Image with watermark and lock

I am not using /tmp folder for storing my images for screen locker and for my greeter program. I do it because locker and greeter shall work properly after reboot.

I stopped using betterlockscreen because it leaks pop up and notification windows in my setup. I tried to fix it but I could not find solution. And I switched to slock which is much simpler, faster and has no issues with leaking windows.

Python script itself

Expand to see full script

  3import requests
  4import json
  5import sys
  6import os
  7from PIL import Image
  8from PIL import ImageDraw
  9from PIL import ImageFont
 11# Defining URL for pulling the data
 14# Path to the text file with the copyright text
 15local_copyright_file = '/home/alexgum/wallpapers/bing/bing_wallpaper_copyright.txt'
 17# Path to the font I am using
 18local_font = '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Arial.TTF'
 20# Folder where I store wallpapers
 21wallpaper_folder = '/home/alexgum/wallpapers/bing/'
 23# Path to the temporary file
 24# Firstly, image is downloaded there
 25temp_file_path = '/tmp/bing_image_temp.jpg'
 27# Path to the final file which is going to be used by slick-greeter
 28greeter_file_path = '/mnt/data/greeter-wallpapers/bing_image.jpg'
 30# Icon I use to add locker watermark on the image for slock
 31lock_logo_file = '/home/alexgum/.config/icons/lock_64.png'
 33# Path to the image for slock
 34slock_file = '/home/alexgum/wallpapers/bing/current_lock_image.jpg'
 36# Function to extract file name from the JSON data
 37def make_img_file_name(full_json: dict) -> str:
 38    try:
 39        url_temp = full_json['images'][0]['url'].split('&')
 40        return url_temp[0].split('.')[1] + '.jpg'
 41    except Exception as e:
 42        print("make_img_file_name(): Error. Cannot produce file name.")
 43        print(e)
 44        sys.exit(1)
 46# Function to get URL for downloading picture
 47# Input - full JSON response, returns string with URL
 48def get_picture_url_from_json(full_json: dict) -> str:
 49    try:
 50        return '' + full_json['images'][0]['url']
 51    except Exception as e:
 52        print("get_picture_url(): Error. Cannot get picture url.")
 53        print(e)
 54        sys.exit(1)
 56# Function to get copyright information from the file on disk
 57# Input - path to a file with the copyright data of the current image
 58# Returns string with the copyright text, or "None"
 59def get_copyright_from_file(local_file_name: str) -> str:
 60    try:
 61        with open(local_file_name, 'rt') as f:
 62            return f.readline()
 63    except Exception:
 64        return "None"
 66# Function to get copyright information from the JSON data
 67# Input - full JSON response, returns string with the copyright text
 68def get_copyright_from_json(full_json: dict) -> str:
 69    try:
 70        return full_json['images'][0]['copyright']
 71    except Exception as e:
 72        print("get_copyright_from_json(): Error. Cannot get copyright from url.")
 73        print(e)
 74        sys.exit(1)
 76# Function to download image
 77# Input - URL and path to file where image to be stored
 78def img_download(url: str,
 79                 target_file: str = '/tmp/bing_image_temp.jpg') -> None:
 80    try:
 81        image_file = requests.get(url)
 82        with open(target_file, 'wb') as f:
 83            f.write(image_file.content)
 84    except Exception as e:
 85        print(e)
 86        sys.exit(1)
 88# Function to make wallper image with the copyright watermark
 89def make_new_wallpaper(source_file_path: str,
 90                       target_wallpaper_name: str,
 91                       copyright_text: str,
 92                       font_path: str = '/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Arial.TTF') -> None:
 94    # Code is based on this blog post:
 95    ##
 97    # Preparing image for drawing (open canvas)
 98    img =
 99    w, h = img.size
101    # Preparing text for drawing
102    ## Making drawing canvas
103    drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
105    ## Creating text image
106    cprw_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 14)
107    copyright_text_with_margins = " " + copyright_text + " "
109    ## Identifying its dimensions
110    text_w, text_h = drawing.textsize(copyright_text_with_margins,cprw_font)
112    # Drawing new image from the text object
113    c_text ='RGBA', (text_w, text_h), color = '#000000')
114    drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(c_text)
115    drawing.text((0,0),copyright_text_with_margins,fill = '#FFFFFF',font = cprw_font)
116    # Adding Alpha channel value
117    c_text.putalpha(130)
119    # Identifying text position on the target picture
120    # 10 pixels from top and 10 pixels from the right edge
121    text_position = (w - text_w - 10), 10
123    # Pasting this object into the image
124    img.paste(c_text,text_position,mask=c_text)
126    # Saving new image
127    try:
129    except Exception as e:
130        print('make_new_wallpaper() function cannot save new picture.')
131        print(e)
132        sys.exit(1)
134def add_logo(source_file_path: str,
135             target_lock_file: str,
136             logo: str) -> None:
138    # Preparing image for drawing (open canvas)
139    img =
140    w, h = img.size
141    logo_img ='RGBA')
142    logo_w, logo_h = logo_img.size
144    # converting logo background to transparent and adding alpha channel 178 (80%) to black
145    newImage = []
146    for item in logo_img.getdata():
147        if item[:3] == (255, 255, 255):
148            newImage.append((255, 255, 255, 0))
149        else:
150            newImage.append((0,0,0,178))
151    logo_img.putdata(newImage)
152    logo_position = 10, (h - logo_h - 16)
153    img.paste(logo_img,logo_position,mask=logo_img)
155    # Saving new image
156    try:
158    except Exception as e:
159        print('add_logo() function cannot save new picture.')
160        print(e)
161        sys.exit(1)
163# Main function to assemble it all
164def main() -> None:
165    try:
166        # Getting the JSON data
167        json_data = requests.get(bing_url).json()
169        # Extracting new copyright text
170        new_copyright_text = get_copyright_from_json(json_data)
172        # Comparing the new copyright text with the stored in the file
173        # If texts are different, then go on
174        if get_copyright_from_file(local_copyright_file) != new_copyright_text:
176            # Extracting new image file name from JSON
177            file_name = wallpaper_folder + make_img_file_name(json_data)
179            # Extracting URL for image download
180            file_url = get_picture_url_from_json(json_data)
182            # Downloading the image and saving it in the /tmp folder
183            img_download(file_url, temp_file_path)
185            # Creating wallpaper image with the copyright watermark
186            # and saving it in the ~/wallpapers/bing/ folder
187            make_new_wallpaper(temp_file_path, file_name, new_copyright_text, local_font)
189            # Updating copyright information in the local file
190            open(local_copyright_file,'wt').write(new_copyright_text)
192            # Adding locker logo to make image for slock
193            # this image is stored in the ~/wallpapers/bing/current_lock_image.jpg
194            add_logo(file_name, slock_file, lock_logo_file)
196            # Copy orignal image from /tmp to the /mnt/data/greeter-wallpapers/bing_image.jpg
197            # for being used with slick-greeter
198            os.system('cp ' + temp_file_path + ' ' + greeter_file_path)
200            # Setting up betterlockscreen 
201            ## Optional part I don't use anymore. 
202            os.system('DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/betterlockscreen -u ' + file_name)
204    except Exception as e:
205        print(e)
207if __name__ == '__main__':
208    main()

Runnig the script

Use simple cronjob:

1# {min} {hour} {day of month} {moth} {day of week}  command to be executed
20,30 6-19 * * * /home/alexgum/.scripts/ > /tmp/lockscreen.log